
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Umm... This Could Be Bad

So, we have this couch.


It's a lovely little Ikea pull-out couch that has served us well for both seating and accommodating out-of-town guests. The thing about this couch, though, is that it's slip-covered. Cool, you say, that means you can wash it. No dice. It's dry clean only, and the one time I took it to get it dry cleaned they called me later and told me they wouldn't do it because they were afraid of the liability of ruining my couch. I tried to convince them it was just a slip cover and it would be all right. They didn't believe me. They must have thought I was trying to angle my way into a ridiculous law suit or something.

Well, as you probably noticed the couch is off-white. And I have a 2 year old.

So, not the best mix. It has been looking pretty shabby, so I thought we'd better replace it.
Not the best picture, but it does illustrate some of the shabbiness. The cushions were starting to look grey in places.

Then I got to thinking about changing the color palette of my living room (I get bored, it's a major failing) - and I found this color scheme of grey and green in Traditional Home magazine and just fell in love. So I started researching cost for a new, grey slipcover and found out it was going to cost around 200$. Yikes. So I thought, maybe I should try a few things with one we have first. That's when I got the crazy idea to dye my slipcover grey.

"What happened to dry-clean only?!" you're asking, I know. Well, I thought if we're going to just replace it anyway, I might take the risk of ruining it. And that's just what I did.

Yeah. See that? It looks like... well, it looks bad. Images of gelatinous man-eating goo keep popping into my head. That's after a very failed attempt to dye the slipcover in a plastic tub on the back deck. Oh snap. And as I was watching the horror unfold before my eyes, I got a call about our car needing new tires AND a new battery. So, basically, we have no money, so this is our couch cover for a while, whether it's hideous or not.

This story may yet have a happy ending, though. I decided I was not going to give up so easily (it would be so awful to have to put that cover back on my couch), took a deep breath and went back to Joann's for more dye. $12.00 later, I'm retrying the experiment - this time in the washing machine and with twice as much dye divided into three batches. I just checked on batch number one and it is looking much more hopeful - it's at least evenly dyed, and coming close to the color I wanted. Now I just have to let it all line-dry and hope nothing shrunk. That "Do Not Wash!" admonition still has me on edge.

Here's hoping I end up with something better than this:

Have you ever tried dying anything? How did it go? Happy stories? I need some encouragement... but commiseration would also suffice.


  1. Oh I hope this turns out! I have faith it will. Have you read the young house love post about this? I think their experiment failed on the first try, too. But then I think it worked. I can't really remember. I knew I was too chicken to ever try dying something!

  2. Car troubles always seem to slip in right when you think you are OK to do something on the verge of insane ;)

  3. Wait, you didn't want a tie-dyed couch. That's like the coolest thing ever =)

  4. I hope it turns out good! Fingers crossed for you!

  5. you and I have to talk again tomorrow - I have been reading a ton about spray painting/painting furniture instead of die...also, I have a website where you can buy a new slip cover for $30! chat soon!

  6. Good luck! Hope it can be fixed..and on a side note, I am green with envy looking at your chairs! Did you get those from a neighbor? I thought I saw them a couple of months ago sitting out on a driveway and thought they were the cutest thing!

  7. Kristal, I know! I totally fell in love with those chairs - I got em f0r 10$ each from Sis Newby (I think that's her name - Burns's mom). I only wish they weren't ripped. I actually quite love the color, but they are going to have to be reupholstered or covered in some way :(
