
Monday, February 28, 2011

Shop News: Shop Update and My First Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed! 

Exciting news! I've been working hard the last couple of days and I have ten new cuffs up in the shop today. They're pretty diverse and varied, so hopefully there's something for everyone.

To celebrate, I've decided to host my first giveaway. There are five ways to enter, so you can have up to five chances to win. The winner, who will be chosen randomly, will get their choice of any item from the shop! :) Yay. So here are all the ways you can enter:

1.) Become a follower of this blog.*
2.) "Like" the PitterPatHeart facebook page.*
3.) Share news of this giveaway with friends on facebook (either by clicking "share" on the post on the fb page or by making your own note/status/message about it).
4.) Favorite an item from the shop on Etsy.
5.) Purchase any item from the shop.

For each of these that you do, leave a comment on this post (a separate comment for each) just stating that you did it. The winners will be chosen on Monday, March 7. Good luck... and tell your friends. :)

*If you are already a follower of the blog or already like the fb page, that counts too! Just say so in a comment, and you have an entry.


  1. Sweet! I'm already a follower!

  2. I 'like' Pitterpatheart on f/b!

  3. I 'shared' this giveaway on f/b!

  4. I was already following your blog. :) (And didn't you used to have a family one -- I can't find it!) Hugs!

  5. I would love to enter your giveaway, I am a follower of this blog.

  6. I also "like" your Pitter Pat Heart Facebook page :)

  7. I shared the giveaway in FB too!

  8. I liked your FB page also!! :-)

  9. I shared the giveaway on facebook!! :-)

  10. I'm a follower! Love your items (I'm obsessed with yo-yos, too!)

  11. I like pitterpatheart on facebook!

  12. My favorite item on Etsy is the little purple pansies purple yoyo cuff! SO cute!!

  13. I shared news about this giveaway on facebook!:)

  14. Sapphire Sprinkles likes an item on Etsy.

  15. I like you and PitterPatHeart on FB! :)

  16. I added a few items to my Etsy favorites!

  17. Steph would do this but she's already gone to the girls weekend, so I'll enter. I'm a Facebook follower! :-)

  18. Ooh! I also liked your page. :)
